Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Welcome to F.F.E.O.N.H.!

Welcome to the contributors' division of the FelisFire Encyclopedia of Natural History, an ongoing project to catalog the elements of the FelisFire biosphere and their uses. As a researcher on our staff, you will select and investigate items found in the FF environments, and prepare Encyclopedia entries as follows:

(site image) Common Name : scientific name* (artist's rendition of entire plant/animal/mineral in its natural situation)
Description :
Where Found :
Growth Habits :
Stages : (if any)
Active Principles and Traits:
Current Uses:

(* - scientific name : your call, within reason - Latin, or something that passes for it, please - first part the best Terran match for genus, and a species name appropriate to lifeform being naming it after yourself, lol)

Please create and maintain ONE post each for bookkeeping purposes, thanks! All Comment sections will be open for you to kibitz one another, but only you or an Admin can edit your personal posts.

As each entry is completed, it will be transferred to the official FelisFire Encyclopedia of Natural History (in progress) in the appropriate location/volume, with author's credit for the researcher who prepared it.

Post here to be added as co-author, or PM singingbadger #15631 on FelisFire.


  1. Hiyo, just posting to become an author. :)

  2. I would love to be an author, if you don't mind. c:

    1. Excellent! I just need an email address to add you to the authors' listing - it will send you a confirmation and ask you to select a name, then you'll be all ready to start your post.

  3. Dragon (catofpern)June 27, 2014 at 2:39 PM

    I think this is really cool and would love to help, though I can't guarantee I'll be able to do a lot very quickly because of school.

  4. Wicked cool - and we're not exactly racing along, lol, contribute at any pace you like. I just need an email (any email, you can make a throwawy one just for here if you like) to add you as a contributing author with edit priv.

  5. Hello! I'm a spot late, but do you have any room for another interested author?

  6. Felisfire has been posting its own Encyclopedia now.
